Engraved pavers removed to fix uneven ground.

Give-back program offered to former donors.

In 1997, the Westerville Library Foundation began selling engraved pavers placed near the parking lot entrance as a fundraiser and as a way for community members to honor someone special in their lives. These pavers - now almost 30 years old - will be removed during the Summer 2024 parking lot entry renovation and replace the uneven ground with concrete.

The Westerville Library Foundation and Westerville Public Library want to thank everyone who made a generous donation through this fundraiser. The construction company handling the renovation project will carefully attempt to keep the 917 affected pavers intact when removed and - if viable - will set them aside for a give-back program.

Former donors interested in the possibility of picking up the paver they purchased may reach out Kaitlin S, Development Specialist at 614-882-7277 ext. 2126 or development@westervillelibrary.org. (Please give at least 1 week's prior notice before pickup. No shipment options available. Pavers will be available for pickup by donors for up to 1 year after de-installation. Some pavers may not be viable due to weather deterioration over time.)

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