Reserve a Room

You may reserve one of  8 rooms and meeting spaces for free. These rooms are offered to customers, community groups, organizations, and businesses.

Rooms & Amenities

Meeting Room A

Max Capacity = 50, Min = 3
Tables = 9, Chairs = 40
Ceiling-Mounted Projector
Internet Connection
Large Trash Can

Meeting Room B

Max Capacity = 25, Min = 3
Tables = 6, Chairs = 25
Large Trash Can

Meeting Room A & B (Combined)

Max Capacity = 100, Min = 40
Tables = 15, Chairs = 65
Ceiling-Mounted Projector
Internet Connection
Large Trash Can

Meeting Room C

Max Capacity = 13, Min = 3
Table = 1, Chairs = 13
60” digital display (HDMI video/audio support, Apple Airplay support)

Meeting Room D

Max Capacity = 14, Min = 3
Tables (Small) = 4, Chairs = 14
75" smartboard (Internet-enabled digital display & whiteboard with wired & wireless connection options)*

Study Rooms (Pink & Purple)

Time Limit = 3 Hours
Max Capacity = 7 (pink) & 5 (purple), Min = 1
Table = 1, Chairs = 7 (pink) & 5 (purple)
60” digital display*
VGA video & HDMI video/audio support

* for small-group videoconferencing and teaching applications

Study Rooms (Green & Blue)

Time Limit = 3 Hours
Max Capacity = 2, Min = 1
Table = 1, Chairs = 2

Important Details

  • Rooms are available for reservation on a first come, first served basis.
  • You can reserve a room no more than 90 days in advance.
  • Library doors will not open early.
  • For study rooms, reservation limit is 3 hours per day. Present your photo ID or library card at the desk on the second floor. At that time, a staff member will unlock the room for you.
  • For meeting rooms, you may arrange the tables, chairs and other equipment to meet your needs.

For assistance, contact us at 614-882-7277 option 4 or

For terms & conditions, please refer to the Library Policy Manual, opens a new windowsection: MEETING & STUDY ROOMS.

Borrow a LibrarianBorrow a Librarian

Get answers to your technology questions with personalized hands-on assistance from a librarian or staff expert.
Get answers to your technology questions with personalized hands-on assistance from a librarian or staff expert. 

Current Exhibits

Experience Westerville's past through the themed exhibitions of artifacts on display. Walk-ins welcome during museum hours.

Plant Cutting Library

Take a plant, leave a plant - for free! Located near the computer lab on the second floor.

Culture Passes

Looking for something fun to do? Visit the Columbus Museum of Art, free with your library card.

Racism in Westerville History (Toolkit)

Delve into specific historic examples of racism and anti-racism in Westerville over the past 200 years. Intended for high school age & up.

Catie W.

Catie enjoys sharing her favorite audiobooks, cookbooks, and graphic novels with library visitors.

Jessica C.

A veritable walking encyclopedia of stranger-than-fiction facts, Jessica gobbles up information like it's candy.

Adrien B.

Adrien looks forward to exploring your interests and passions using the tools in the Innovation Lab.

Mindy B.

Mindy will always bring a smile to your face, even when she's concentrating on finding hard-to-get-your-hands-on books and journal articles.
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