U. S. Citizenship & Immigration

Renew your green card. Study for the TOEFL. Pass the citizenship exam.

Citizenship & Immigration Resources

Check out these resources for your citizenship exam and immigration information needs.

English Conversation Cafe (series)

Various Tuesdays, 10-11am
Westerville Public Library
Practice your English skills in conversation with others. Speakers of all levels and any language are welcome. Drinks and snacks provided.

¿Habla Espanol?

¿Necesita leer español o simplemente quieres practicar? Mira lo que tenemos en nuestra colección tanto para adultos como para niños.

Learn American Sign Language

Start a conversation with a hearing impaired colleague or friend with this online language course.

Resources for New Americans

Find free English classes, citizenship classes, health and employment assistance, immigration resources, local utilities assistance & more.

Whether you're a new parent, a student, a young professional, a teacher, a homeschooler or a senior citizen, there's something here for you. And it's all free.

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Catie W.

Catie enjoys sharing her favorite audiobooks, cookbooks, and graphic novels with library visitors.

Jessica C.

A veritable walking encyclopedia of stranger-than-fiction facts, Jessica gobbles up information like it's candy.

Adrien B.

Adrien looks forward to exploring your interests and passions using the tools in the Innovation Lab.

Mindy B.

Mindy will always bring a smile to your face, even when she's concentrating on finding hard-to-get-your-hands-on books and journal articles.
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