Topic: American Indian Life & History
Teachers and students, enhance critical thinking skills and encourage engagement with history in exciting and creative ways.
Learn about American Indians who lived, hunted, and influenced the course of history in the places we now know as Westerville and Central Ohio. Find out how Delaware, Miami, Seneca-Cayuga, Shawnee, and Wyandotte communities responded when white settlers invaded and the strategies they used to survive, resist, and adapt.
- Designed to align with Ohio's 5th grade social studies learning standards on history, geography, and economics.
- Students and teachers of any grade are welcome to use the box.
- Includes instructions for suggested activities and further resources.
Developed in consultation with the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, with additional permissions and guidance from the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma and the Wyandotte Nation of Oklahoma.
Interested? Contact us.
To reserve or request, contact the museum:
- Phone: 614-882-7277 option 7
- Email:
Borrow for up to 12 days. The box will be delivered and must be returned via school deliveries.