Voting Guide

Important Dates

  • October 7 - Deadline to register or update your voter registration for Nov. 5 general election
  • October 8 - Early in-person absentee voting begins
  • October 29 - Applications for absentee ballots to be mailed for Nov. 7 general election must be received by boards of elections by close of business
  • November 5 - General Election Day. Polls open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Absentee ballots, returned in person or via a method other than U.S. Mail, must be received by the boards of elections by close of polls)

Register to Vote

You can register to vote online or via a paper form. Get started.

To mail your completed form, it must be postmarked no later than 30 consecutive days before the election to your county board of elections, opens a new window. You may also return your completed voter registration form in person to any of the following public offices:

Not sure if you’re eligible to vote? Check here, opens a new window.

Not sure if you're already registered to vote? Check here, opens a new window.

Request an Absentee Ballot

  1. Complete an absentee ballot request form, opens a new window.
  2. Mail to your county board of elections.*
  3. Once you receive your absentee ballot in the mail, fill it out.
  4. Mail it to your county board of elections, opens a new window.
  5. Track your ballot, opens a new window.

Absentee ballot request forms must be received by your county's Board of Elections no later than noon 3 days before the election. Absentee ballots must be postmarked no later than the day before the election and received by boards of elections by 10 days after primary election to be counted.

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