Westerville Library is now connect to 17 neighboring libraries.

You are now connected to 17 neighboring libraries!🎉

As of November 18, 2024, you receive the following benefits because your library has joined the Central Library Consortium.

  • Access to an additional 3.9 million items. (That’s a 2059% increase!) 
  • You can pick up and return items owned by other libraries to the Westerville Public Library.  
  • You can return items borrowed from the Westerville Public Library at any of the 17 CLC member libraries. 
  • On average, you will experience shorter wait times for new and popular items.  
  • Your hold and reminder notices feature upcoming events and popular services. 
  • You’ll have more options for managing your library account via phone. 
  • Your library is now able to allocate more money and staffing towards high-value projects and services to benefit the community. 


Which libraries can I borrow from and return to?  

Starting in late 2024 - Alexandria Public Library, Bexley Public Library, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Delaware County District Library, Fairfield County District Library, Grandview Heights Public Library, Granville Public Library Association, London Public Library, Marysville Public Library, Pataskala Public Library, Pickaway County District Library, Pickerington Public Library, Plain City Public Library, Southwest Public Libraries, Upper Arlington Public Library, Wagnalls Memorial Library, and Worthington Libraries.  

Some exceptions may apply. Different rules/fees may apply to items checked out at neighboring libraries. Examples: due dates, renewals, replacement fees, etc.

You will need a Westerville Public Library card to access some research databases, borrow a laptop, place orders for 3D and custom printing, or borrow some unique items in the Westerville Public Library collection. 

Can I return my Columbus, Delaware, or Worthington items at the Westerville Public Library?  

Yes! You can return items borrowed from any of the 17 neighboring libraries listed above here.  

Can I use my Columbus, Delaware, or Worthington library card at the Westerville Public Library?  

Yes! You can borrow items here using a library card from any of the 17 neighboring libraries listed above.  

Note: You will need a Westerville Public Library card to access some research databases, borrow a laptop, place orders for 3D and custom printing, or borrow some unique items in the Westerville Public Library collection.   

Can I use my Westerville Public Library card at Columbus, Delaware, or Worthington Libraries?  

Yes, with some limitations. Check with staff at the neighboring library for details.  

Why did my place in the hold queue change?  

You have priority when placing holds on items owned by the Westerville Public Library. If you place a hold on an item owned by another library, the owning library’s patrons will receive priority over you.   

Does this mean the Westerville Public Library has merged with the Columbus Metropolitan Library?

No. The Westerville Public Library remains an independent library with the same service district and funding structure. The main change is that the Westerville Public Library now shares physical collections (books, movies, music) with 17 neighboring libraries via a shared catalog.

What will stay the same? 

The Westerville Public Library remains fines free. Most services, amenities, digital collections, research tools, and library-hosted events remain the same. The library’s service district and funding structure also remains the same. You are still able to borrow from other Ohio libraries through SearchOhio and OhioLINK.  

Can I still suggest a purchase?  

Yes! The Westerville Public Library is still committed to building a collection that meets the needs of our unique community and will still accept suggestions for purchase.  

Can I still request items through SearchOhio or OhioLINK?   

Yes! You will still be able to borrow from other Ohio libraries through SearchOhio and OhioLINK.   

Can I still manage my account via text message?  

Yes and no. The system we were using before is no longer supported. You can still receive text messages about your items on hold and due dates for your borrowed items. However, you can no longer renew items or receive a list of your borrowed items via text message. We hope to make improvements to this service in the future.  

What else should I know?   

Different rules/fees may apply to items checked out at neighboring libraries. Examples: due dates, renewals, replacement fees, etc.  

Why did the Westerville Library decide to join CLC now?   

During the 2023-2028 strategic planning process, joining the Central Library Consortium (CLC) was identified as a significant growth opportunity and a comprehensive community survey revealed strong support for this change. Many factors were considered when making this decision, including cost savings, patron convenience, and technological capabilities.   

Your PIN has been reset. 🔒

As the last step necessary to join the Central Library Consortium, your PIN has been reset to the last 4-digits of your phone number.

To change your PIN to a 4 to 8-digit number of your choice, follow these instructions:

  • In person, bring your library card or picture ID to any service desk
  • By phone, have your library card number and full name available. Then call 614-882-7277 option 2.
  • Online, fill out this form. (Note: This option is only available if you have an email address on file with the library.)

Westerville Library joins Central Library Consortium in 2024

Mar 06, 2024
Expanded and easy access to library collections from 17 neighboring libraries to come in late 2024.

About the Central Library Consortium

The Central Library Consortium (CLC) is a group of libraries in central Ohio that share resources. Founded in 1988 with four libraries, the CLC will now include 18 independent library systems in seven counties serving more than 1.8 million residents.  

The CLC, with its 35-year history, represents a strategic partnership among library systems that share resources, technology, and expertise while maintaining their independence. 

$1,889 grant brings bubbles, barnyard animals, and beats.

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Thanks to State Library of Ohio and Institute of Museum and Library Services for a $1,889 grant to host educational events this summer.

Friends earn 2025 Organization of the Year award.

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2024 Year in Review

2024 was a year of expanding access, continued growth, and investing in our community’s future.

Bringing Home Anti-Saloon League Items with $13,827 Grant

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Erin Francoeur

Originally from the Midwest, Erin Francoeur (rhymes with "encore") has followed her passion for libraries from Kansas to California.

Kristin M.

Kristin loves all unlovable cats. And musicals.

Katrina P.

A local adventurer, Katrina loves to be a tourist in her own town.

Steven O.

Steven is a jack-of-all-trades with a knack for all things medieval and mechanical.
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