Donate to the Library's Collection

The library welcomes donations from individuals and groups. The library, however, reserves the right to make a final selection of materials which will be added to the collection. The library also reserves the right to withdraw materials from the collection when they are no longer appropriate under the collection policy.

Donated Materials Are Defined As:

  • Previously owned books or other materials appropriate to the library holdings
  • New materials sent unsolicited to the library, usually from an organization or government agency

For more ways to donate to the library, please see our information about the Library Foundation and the Friends of the Westerville Public Library.

Donation Process

  • Donated materials are turned in at the welcome desk.
  • A subject specialist will decide whether or not to add the donated materials to the library collection.
  • If the materials are to be added, they will be sent to Technical Services for processing.
  • If the materials are to be added, the Administrative Secretary may send a thank you letter.
  • If the materials are not to be added, they will be given to the Friends of the Westerville Public Library to be included in the book sales.
  • The donor may request a receipt for tax purposes. A representative of the Friends of the Library can issue a receipt, but the exact value of the donation cannot be determined.

Amanda A.

When she’s not telling you about all the amazing things available for kids at the library, she’s likely watching a British mystery.

Catie W.

Catie enjoys sharing her favorite audiobooks, cookbooks, and graphic novels with library visitors.

Erin Francoeur

Originally from the Midwest, Erin Francoeur (rhymes with "encore") has followed her passion for libraries from Kansas to California.

Kristin M.

Kristin loves all unlovable cats. And musicals.
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