Library Levy 2024

Thank you to voters!

The library issues statement from Erin Francoeur, Executive Director, following the passage of a 0.75-mill additional operating levy.

The Westerville Public Library will be asking for a 0.75-mill additional operating levy during the general election on November 5, 2024. This is the library’s first request for a tax increase in 13 years.  

“Strong fiscal stewardship has allowed us to maintain our current funding levels since 2011,” says Erin Francoeur, Executive Director of the Westerville Public Library. “But as library usage continues to increase, we are steadily outgrowing our spaces. We are also facing challenges like inflation and costs related to aging facilities. This additional levy will allow us to expand access and make continued investments in our collections and services.” 

The 0.75 mill additional levy amounts to $26 annually for each $100,000 of the County Auditor’s appraised value. 


How is the library currently funded?  

Property taxes are the main source of revenue for the library. The residents of the Westerville City School District passed a continuing 2.0 mill property tax levy in 2011.  

Additional revenue is composed of the State of Ohio’s Public Library Fund.  For details, visit the Financial Dashboard.  

Note: Millage is the unit of measurement used in determining property taxes where 1 mill is equal to $1 in property tax levied per $1,000 of a property's assessed value.  

How much will the additional levy cost?  

The 0.75 mill additional continuing levy would cost residents $26 annually per $100,000 home value starting on January 1, 2025.  

You can calculate the cost based on your home value with your county auditor’s levy estimator: Delaware County or Franklin County.  

How much does the current levy cost?

The levy passed in 2011 is a 2.0 mill continuing levy that costs residents $44.08 annually per $100,000 home value.

Why does the library need additional income?  

Since the levy passed 13 years ago, the library's costs have increased but our revenue has not increased at the same rate. (Tax collections from new construction account for the only increase in 2011 levy revenue.)

Chart that shows steady decrease of library funding without levy
Chart shows library funding with .75 mill addition

How can the library use this additional income?  

Operating levy revenue can be used for operations or capital improvements.  

Who is eligible to vote for this levy?  

Registered voters who live within the Westerville City School District.  

Isn't the Westerville Public Library merging with Columbus Metropolitan Library?

No. Although the Westerville Public Library will be joining CLC later this year, we will remain an independent library with the same service district and funding structure. Learn more.

What is the official ballot language?

In Franklin County, this will be Issue #43. In Delaware County, there is no issue number assigned.


Westerville Public Library

Franklin, and Delaware Counties

A major affirmative vote is necessary for passage

An additional tax for the benefit of the Westerville Public Library for the purpose of current expenses that the county auditor estimates will collect $3,189,000 annually, at a rate not exceeding 0.75 mill for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $26 for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025.

For the Tax Levy

Against the Tax Levy

How do I vote?  

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Learn more.  

Erin Francoeur

Originally from the Midwest, Erin Francoeur (rhymes with "encore") has followed her passion for libraries from Kansas to California.

Kristin M.

Kristin loves all unlovable cats. And musicals.

Katrina P.

A local adventurer, Katrina loves to be a tourist in her own town.

Steven O.

Steven is a jack-of-all-trades with a knack for all things medieval and mechanical.
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