Tabletop Gaming

What is Tabletop Gaming?

Tabletop gaming refers to any game that can be played on a table. While most people are familiar with board games like Chutes & Ladders or Monopoly, board games are just one category of tabletop games. Another category is TTRPGs or role-playing tabletop games - the most popular of which is Dungeons and Dragons.

Interested in what TTRPGs are all about? With the library resources found on this page, you’ll learn how to get started, where to find popular online resources, and how to be the Game Master of your own game!

How to Play Dungeons & Dragons

Read our quick guide to getting starting with D&D, including a dictionary of common lingo and a breakdown of player character sheets.

Downloadable D&D Character Sheet

Show off your weapons, skills, abilities, and tools, along with your motivations, strengths and weakness on this easy-to-use fillable form.

Tabletop Roleplaying Game FAQ

What is a TTRPG? How do I know if I’ll like TTRPGs? Start your tabletop gaming journey here.

TTRPG Etiquette

Read up on the general do's and don'ts of tabletop gaming.

Tabletop RPGs for Adults

Did you know that the library carries RPG manuals, philosophy, adventures, graphic novels, and books?

Dungeons & Dragons

You'll find adventure galore in these books inspired by the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.

Kids & Teens like D&D too!

Are you interested in Dungeons and Dragons? Do you like fantasy stories? Your library has both!

Related Services

Puzzle & Game Swap (Take Home)

Take a puzzle or a board game. Leave one. No need to return what you borrow. (Located on the 2nd floor. No missing pieces, please.)

Innovation Lab

From podcasts to posters, bring your ideas to life with hands-on learning and digital creation.

Reserve a Room

Host your next meeting at the library. Perfect for study groups, non-profit organizations, tutors, and small business owners.

Hobbies & Crafts Source

From painting to model building, scrapbooking to gaming, Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center can help you master your favorite art.

Try another power tool.Try another power tool.

Didn't find everything you needed yet? Continue your research.

Catie W.

Catie enjoys sharing her favorite audiobooks, cookbooks, and graphic novels with library visitors.

Jessica C.

A veritable walking encyclopedia of stranger-than-fiction facts, Jessica gobbles up information like it's candy.

Adrien B.

Adrien looks forward to exploring your interests and passions using the tools in the Innovation Lab.

Mindy B.

Mindy will always bring a smile to your face, even when she's concentrating on finding hard-to-get-your-hands-on books and journal articles.
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