American Issue Publishing Company

In 1909 the citizens of Westerville, Ohio, a village twelve miles north of Columbus, tendered a site facing State Street and valued at about $10,000 to be used by the Anti-Saloon League of America for the erection of a printing plant. Their offer was accepted. In the spring of 1909 the construction was started. The building was dedicated in October of that same year.

On June 13, 1909, The American Issue Publishing Company was incorporated. It was the holding company of the Anti-Saloon League of America. All of its printing capacity was used for the furtherance of the ideals of the Anti-Saloon League.

A hard copy of this pamphlet can be found at the Westerville History Museum.

Westerville became the smallest town in America to have a first-class post office. The trains stopped daily and picked up carloads of the anti-alcohol printed material. The printing plant operated 24 hours a day and employed 200 people.

To give some idea of the level of printing and readership, the total circulation for The American Issue in July 1920 (5 issues) was 1,746,184 copies. That month approximately 950 lbs. of ink were used and 50 tons of paper. A report written by Ernest Cherrington, Twenty Eventful Years details circulation figures. Read the full report.

About the League

Museum Hours

Monday-Saturday: 9am-6pm
Closed on Saturday: 1-2pm
Closed on Sunday

Westerville History MuseumWesterville History Museum

As the site of the Anti-Saloon League’s former headquarters, the Westerville History Museum works to preserve the history of the temperance movement, the passage of the 18th Amendment, and the Prohibition era.
As the site of the Anti-Saloon League’s former headquarters, the Westerville History Museum works to preserve the history of the temperance movement, the passage of the 18th Amendment, and the Prohibition era.

Museum in a Box: American Indian Life & History

Teachers and students, enhance critical thinking skills and encourage engagement with history in exciting and creative ways.

Current Exhibits

Experience Westerville's past through the themed exhibitions of artifacts on display. Walk-ins welcome during museum hours.

Schedule a History Experience

Teachers, schedule a history experience for your K-12 students. Options: historic Uptown walking tour, Hanby House, classroom presentations.

Ohio Is Home to Ancient Earthworks

Nov 14, 2024
Between 1,600 and 2,000 years ago, people now referred to as the Hopewell Culture built enormous earthworks in the land we call Ohio.

Jackie B.

Jackie has made a career of working with communities to tell their stories and preserve their history.

Jim S.

Jim loves digging into the archives of historic maps and news in the Westerville History Museum.

Katy K.

Katy loves bringing history to life, getting hands-on with artifacts, and helping people discover meaning and relevance in the past.

Kaitlin S.

Kaitlin is passionate about helping the Westerville Public Library remain strong for future generations.
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