
Stream Movies for Free

Explore a world of cinema with access to over 30,000 movies. No wait, no fines, no limits. Free with your library card.

Get 25 tickets each month. As you browse for titles, you'll see the number of tickets required to watch each title and how long you have to watch it. Your tickets reset on the first day of the month, and unused tickets don't roll over to the next month.

  • Enjoy an ever-evolving collection of titles curated by film lovers - including industry experts and film aficionados
  • Compatible with most devices
  • Watch on your TV with the Kanopy app, such as with Roku (learn more)
  • 5 play speed options available

What You Get

Collection includes:

  • British Cinema & TV - Enjoy your favorite content from across the pond
  • Easy Watching - Delightful titles that engage and entertain
  • Bingeable Shows - A kaleidoscope of binge-worthy dramas, mysteries, comedies, docuseries and more, Includes BBC, The History Channel, Lifetime, PBS, A+E, Kino Lorber, and Shout Factory
  • Diversity - DEI titles aimed to celebrate our differences
  • Favorites - Patron and staff favorites that span the full catalog
  • Kids -Tons of movies and TV series just for kids, including animated videos based on favorite storybooks, PBS shows, and more
  • World Cinema - Global dramas, comedies, romances, and more

If you already have a Kanopy account with a different library, log in and go to My Account > My Libraries > Add New Library.

To take advantage of all options available, you are welcome and encouraged to access Kanopy using any or all of your library cards.

From documentaries to rom-coms, there's a world of watching waiting for you with Kanopy. Watch these video tutorials.

Arab American Heritage Month (Streaming Movies)

Celebrate the beauty of Arab heritage by viewing this curated collection of films from Kanopy PLUS.

World Cinema (Streaming Movies)

Enjoy a curated collection of films from around the world, bringing diverse cultures, stories, and perspectives to your screen.

Big Movie Watch: Molli & Max in the Future

From Feb. 7-17, watch the featured film & join the discussion board where you can chat about the film with others across the country.

B-Film Bonanza! (Streaming Movies)

Celebrate the charm and creativity of these often-overlooked films and discover hidden treasures that are sure to surprise and entertain.

Try another power tool.Try another power tool.

Didn't find everything you needed yet? Continue your research.


Stream over 30,000 movies from favorites to easy watching to world cinema.


Get instant access to current news from around the world with this digital newsstand.

Freegal Music

Download or stream over 15 million songs for your computer or device.

Ohio Digital Library (aka Libby)

Borrow free ebooks and audiobooks for your computer or device.

Trouble logging in?

  • Your library card number is located below the barcode on the back of your physical library card.

    If you've temporarily misplaced or lost your library card, request your library card number via this form.

  • By default, your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number. You can change this at any time for additional security.

  • If you have lost or misplaced your library card, contact the library immediately to report it as lost or stolen:

    A replacement card will be mailed to your address on file.

    To obtain information about your account or update your contact information, you must show your government-issued photo ID (or school ID with the current school year's date clearly indicated) at the welcome desk or contact your school delivery representative.

    You are responsible for all items checked out on your library card, so make your report as soon as possible. There is no charge for replacing your card.

    Note: Your library card number will change when it is replaced. This may affect your access to existing holds or items through the library's ebook services. This may also affect your access to your account balance for printing.

  • By default, your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number. You can change this at any time for additional security.

    To change your PIN to a 4 to 8-digit number of your choice, follow these instructions:

    • In person, bring your library card or picture ID to any service desk
    • By phone, have your library card number and full name available. Then call 614-882-7277 option 2.
    • Online, fill out this form. (Note: This option is only available if you have an email address on file with the library.)
  • The privacy of your library card account is a responsibility we take very seriously. For your protection and in accordance with Ohio law, you must provide proof of identification to receive information regarding your account.

    For more information, refer to Public Services Policies. Section: Releasing Library Account Information.

Catie W.

Catie enjoys sharing her favorite audiobooks, cookbooks, and graphic novels with library visitors.

Jessica C.

A veritable walking encyclopedia of stranger-than-fiction facts, Jessica gobbles up information like it's candy.

Adrien B.

Adrien looks forward to exploring your interests and passions using the tools in the Innovation Lab.

Mindy B.

Mindy will always bring a smile to your face, even when she's concentrating on finding hard-to-get-your-hands-on books and journal articles.
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