Literary Reference Source

Research the Story Behind the Story

Learn to read, think, write and talk about books like a pro.

  • Find sources for your paper or literary analysis.
  • Brush up on major themes, characters and plot devices before the big exam.
  • Get the inside scoop about why the classics are considered classic.
  • Discover the behind-the-scenes gossip for your next book club.

What You Get

  • Book reviews
  • Plot summaries
  • Author biographies and interviews
  • Essays of literary criticism
  • Full-text poems, short stories and novels
  • and more...

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Think CliffsNotes, but with a thumbs up from your teacher.

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Issues & Controversies

Gain a balanced perspective on current events and controversial issues.

World Book Encyclopedia

Go beyond basic facts and figures. From A to Z, you'll find everything you need to satisfy your curiosity, or to finish your assignment.

SIRS Knowledge Source

Whether you're preparing for a debate or just trying to understand a friend's perspective on an issue, this is a good place to start.

Trouble logging in?

  • Your library card number is located below the barcode on the back of your physical library card.

    If you've temporarily misplaced or lost your library card, request your library card number via this form.

  • By default, your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number. You can change this at any time for additional security.

  • If you have lost or misplaced your library card, contact the library immediately to report it as lost or stolen:

    A replacement card will be mailed to your address on file.

    To obtain information about your account or update your contact information, you must show your government-issued photo ID (or school ID with the current school year's date clearly indicated) at the welcome desk or contact your school delivery representative.

    You are responsible for all items checked out on your library card, so make your report as soon as possible. There is no charge for replacing your card.

    Note: Your library card number will change when it is replaced. This may affect your access to existing holds or items through the library's ebook services. This may also affect your access to your account balance for printing.

  • By default, your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number. You can change this at any time for additional security.

    To change your PIN to a 4 to 8-digit number of your choice, follow these instructions:

    • In person, bring your library card or picture ID to any service desk
    • By phone, have your library card number and full name available. Then call 614-882-7277 option 2.
    • Online, fill out this form. (Note: This option is only available if you have an email address on file with the library.)
  • The privacy of your library card account is a responsibility we take very seriously. For your protection and in accordance with Ohio law, you must provide proof of identification to receive information regarding your account.

    For more information, refer to Public Services Policies. Section: Releasing Library Account Information.

Kristen C.

When she’s not working with kids here at the library, you might find her on the bike trail or baking up a sweet treat.

Ashleigh M.

Ashleigh loves to see people grow and become their best selves here at the library.

Annamarie C

Annamarie loves all things Disney! When she's not planning her next storytime, she's likely traveling or volunteering at the Columbus Zoo.

Katie R.

Katie knows all of the tricks to start your baby on the path to lifelong reading.
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